Our client had expensive cushions custom made for the two loveseats they had on their patio. The seats were made inexpensively in Central America and, after some time, they began to fall apart. She asked me if we could make two of similar style and size (so the cushions would fit). Here’s a pic of one of her old ones with the cushions.

After doing some research, I decided to make them from African mahogany (Sepele) and I made the size of all the components a bit heavier (thicker) than the old ones were. A special joining method and strong, exterior, wood glue would create joints that would hold up well.

We had to glue it together in sections as there were too many pieces that had to be put together. The glue sets in ten minutes and you could never clamp it all together in time… so we first glued both of the sides (front leg, back leg, skirt and arm) …and did the same with the seat’s back.

Next we brought the ends together with the backrest and two long skirt sections (front & back) and clamped again.

We slatted the seat area and sanded one more time before soaking the seats in Watco Teak oil …and applying a second coat the next day.

A yearly re-application of the teak oil will keep them protected. Now they can do their own maintenance (at each season’s end) before covering them for the winter. Sunlight and moisture decays wood quickly but there are ways to make it last. Here is a shot I’ve just added (from their backyard).

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